The wild boar; Bored to be wild

Hi everyone, I am back with a new post and with new information, hope you will all enjoy reading it. Recently I made a visit to the Nelliyampathy forest range of Palakkad of state Kerala, India. ‘The Nelliyampathy’ a place which touched my heart with its amazing view points, dense forest, tea and coffee plantations and the most importantly the fauna of Nelliyampathy. It is home for rare species like Malabar giant squirrels, deer, elephants, gaurs, wild boars and many others. Nelliyampathy Forest Range Pothundi dam On my safari I was very happy spotting a Malabar giant squirrel clinging to a tall tree, birds with beautiful voices and the trumpet calls of the elephants. In spite of these astounding moments, what made me cry is for a wild boar. A boar probably a male (since male boars prefer to have a solitary life) was sighted near the cottages of ‘Keshavanpara’. The ladies residing at the cottages rushed to their kitchens to bring some food the mom...