Whiskers Wish to Widespread

Red whiskered bulbul with chicks When the day breaks, you hear us whistle Waking and wishing you a wonderful day Watch over me with my whiskers well pleased, Working dawn and dusk to widespread our breed. White cheeks are wow, while wings washed with brown Were seen on the wooded areas once, Wisely wangled now to their way near Wight Warm weather goes with their rearing way. While waving the tails and drooping the wings he welcomes his wife When we're ready to breed, we won't mind Warding off within three thousands square yard Walls or bushes or tree we'll never mind Weaving the wide mouthed bow nest to warm our wee chicks While one went to catch wasp; other wrapped the clutches to warm Wipes off the waste week in and week out Weeks later when the chicks grow wax and wane withers off the nest Walking out of the nest, the young whiskers Whistle the song of widespread. This poem focuses on the breeding behaviour of the red whiskered bulbul bird. These d...