Bonjour! Hallo! Hello! Hola! Namaste! and a very happy world translation day. These are some of the standard words to wish someone worldwide, but we Indians have few more words to say as we speak different languages. Every Indian state has its own official language and every district has its own slang or dialects. Around 121 languages are spoken in India. I can speak 5 languages fluently which includes Malayalam, Kannada, Hindi, Tamil and English. I can understand Telugu as well. As India is diverse in its languages, it is diverse in its religious beliefs too. There are 8 major religions in India and majority of the Indians follow Hinduism worshipping 33 types of God. Worshipping certain plants and animals is well noticed in Hinduism. Each God is represented by an animal. So in today's article I will share some of the animals and plants which are meant to be sacred and worshipped in India. Note: This article is not created in terms of sharing any religious ...