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The Thor

13th January 2020 had left the crowd disappointed after losing a 50 year old Jaws III. He was huge, calm, keen to respond and a friendly soul. His heroic acts on Sunday afternoon will be greatly missed by the congregation. Who would lead the Sunday noon assembly hereafter was a big question?  Well, as Alberto Casing says, "Life is not a rehearsal. Each day is a new show. No repeat. No rewind. Give your best shot in all your worthy acts as the show must go on".. Taking these words as a challenge, on 22nd January 2020 comes the beast to reign the kingdom..  "I am Thor, son of Odin!".  The Thor Proud son of the oldest couple Odin and Freyan was born in 1988. He was raised in that kingdom and this is palace is purely his. Today he is 34 years old and truly deserves a private pool. He is rightly named after the Norse god of thunder, the sky and agriculture "Thor" who is known for his great strength, quick temper and impatience to follow rules.  'Thor',...