
Showing posts from November, 2018


Greeting viewers! Welcome to another exciting article. Today I will be presenting you my collection of Siamese fighting fish ( Betta splendens ) I am much gratified to rear Betta fish, and I am growing them since my teenage. They are very peculiar in their behaviour as two male Betta s tend to fight if kept in the same tank. This behaviour names them as 'Betta' which means fighting in Thai. It is even marked as a national fish in Thailand since they are originated from the country.  It is the most trending aquarium fishes due to their varied colours, patterns and tail types. Females can be reared in groups but males have to be kept isolated. Except for breeding, even a male and a female cannot be reared in the same tank.  Males are more attractive and colourful than females. It is said that if two males are housed in separate tanks, kept side by side then they grow better. Breeding of betta is a bit complicated, males exhibit the parental ...


Hi all! Welcome to another episode of latest in food science and technology developed by CSIR-CFTRI Mysore, India. Today's topics is all about milk and its spoilage indications.  Milk is a nutritious liquid secreted by the mammary glands of all mammals. Protein named casein and calcium ions imparts white colour to it. It is a complete food, with all the essential nutrients in it. It is rich in calcium, vitamins, carbohydrates (lactose/milk sugar), proteins and fats. Milk is used for most of dishes, starting from coffee/tea to all mouth watering sweet dishes. In short we use milk every morning and night. Without milk our day will be incomplete. But what's more annoying is when milk is spoiled. I will be cramped to see the milk spoiling; much irritating! Milk is spoiled due to the bacterial growth in it. There are 7 types of microbes involved in spoilage of milk. Lactobacilli, Micrococci, Staphylococci, Pseudomonas, Coliforms, Bacilli and yeasts can be identified in spo...


Greetings everyone! Tomorrow is children's day in India. So I wish all the little children a very happy and a joyous children's day. Children's day reminds me of chocolates, candies, sweets, fun, games, gifts, toys, plastics... Plastics?? Almost all children's toys are made of plastics.  "Plastics and Children"- dead enemies ever. Pediatricians advice parents to avoid plastic containers for packing their children's food and drinks. As the plastic containers releases Bisphenol A (BPA), which acts like an artificial oestrogen in our body. Artificial estrogen are not carcinogenic alone but also affects kidney and liver. Estrogen is a female sex hormone which can lead to early puberty in females or can cause infertility in men.  So dump all the plastic containers and bottles and start using the metallic ones. Isn't it a best way to stay healthy and plastic free? Good idea! but where actually to dump these plastics is a big question? They are non ...


Welcome back to the third episode of Exhibition at CFTRI Mysore, I hope my previous articles were helpful. Just like the previous articles, even today’s article is all about food and its latest technologies. So, Have a look at the rest of the departments of CFTRI and what new they are introducing us.  Fruit and vegetable products: Kokum jelly candy:   Kokum ( Garcinia indica ) is used in many culinary processes in India. My grandma makes very delicious fish curry using kokum. 'Kokum kadi' is a famous delicacy in Goa-Konkan region of India. My grandma even makes syrup out of it as a home remedy for urinary infections. So traditionally we have been using kokum in various things and given a prominent role in traditional medicines and cuisines.  Kokum fruit peel  But what I found in the ‘Fruit and vegetable products’ department simply amazed me. “Production of kokum jelly candies”, Yummmmm!!! Kokum jellies are made from the dried fruit peel of kokum, ...