Greeting viewers! Welcome to another exciting article. Today I will be presenting you my collection of Siamese fighting fish ( Betta splendens ) I am much gratified to rear Betta fish, and I am growing them since my teenage. They are very peculiar in their behaviour as two male Betta s tend to fight if kept in the same tank. This behaviour names them as 'Betta' which means fighting in Thai. It is even marked as a national fish in Thailand since they are originated from the country. It is the most trending aquarium fishes due to their varied colours, patterns and tail types. Females can be reared in groups but males have to be kept isolated. Except for breeding, even a male and a female cannot be reared in the same tank. Males are more attractive and colourful than females. It is said that if two males are housed in separate tanks, kept side by side then they grow better. Breeding of betta is a bit complicated, males exhibit the parental ...