Hi all, welcome to What's around us. It's been a very long time after I posted my previous article. Quite busy with my work and find very less time for blogging. Well, I will be playing hide seek like this at times 😜 okie.. jokes apart. During my childhood hide and seek game used to be my favourite. But I used to get caught soon because of my jingling tingling anklets which I used to wear it then. Girls without anklets were not likely to get caught. Simple funda isn't it. Yes. This simple funda saves the lives of many organisms in this world. Animals try to keep themselves being unnoticed in order to not get caught from their predators. In this funda of escapism from predators, hide and seek is also one. In technical term, it is referred to as camouflage. Let's see how an organism tries to hide from danger or predator. Camouflage is a process where animals blend with their surroundings to escape from their predators. It is seen in case of molluscs, insects,...