Magnificent Monsoon

A rainy day is the perfect time for a walk in the woods. -Rachel Carson Hi viewers, Welcome to What's around us. It's rainy season and my favourite season of the year; I just love to cherish some hot fritters and coffee during rainy evenings. Moreover rainy season makes me feel more that I am very close to nature. The cool breeze that embrace you, the wilted branches turn green, chirping of birds, frogs which croaks for its mates, odour of the wet ground and the way rain drops sound takes you more closer to nature. Today's article is all about what do animals during rainy season. Scroll down to see what I have found during this # Magnificent Monsoon. ( Achatina fulica ) giant land snail Achatina fulica (African giant land snail) is one of the most seen creature during monsoon and a significant pest across globe. These Giant land snails were about 10 cm in length, I had spotted 5 of these in one place, but I could capture only 3 of them with a toad o...