

“The universe is full of magical things, patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper” – Eden Philpotts. Hello everyone, I remembered this quote as I remember a small incident which happened to me. It was during 2013 when I was busy with my schooling and project works. Early morning I was harvesting some leaves of a common weed for my lab work and I was intruded by a minger. He in local kannada slang asked me “What leaves are you collecting?” I just said “I need them for my laboratory work” and ended the conversation. That moment I just knew I was collecting Abutilon indicum leaves which are weeds grown near roadsides and I had to check its efficacy on mosquito larvae. I just ignored him as even I did not know much about the plant. A fair young girl plucking weeds roadside may leave anyone dumbstruck. I was doing my work and my ignorance reminded him to mind his business. But his words started eating me inside which made me curious to know more about it. Same evenin...

CARCINOGENS: Never ignore these stuffs

Hi viewers, hope you all had a wonderful weekend. Well, my weekend was loaded with fun, parties, junk food and lots more. Its fun to break our regular diet and munch on the eye catchy, tempting junk food. But after having a lazy, fat and unhealthy weekend, I realized the amount of calories I have accumulated and ways to burn them all. Oh wait, not just the calories I have in taken but lots of baleful capsules as well. Now its time to make a resolution, say yes to low fat nutritious food and exercises. Parties, junk food, canned food, sugary drinks are all so moreish, think for a while and calculate the percentage of noxious substances we are ingesting and what impact it can lead to in our body? So, today I have come up with a beneficial article which gives you an idea about what toxic chemicals especially carcinogens. Carcinogens are the substances which are involved in causing caner in our body. This 6 letter word 'CANCER' is one of the deadliest disease ever. In India...


Hi viewers, thank you for the fantastic response last month. Upcoming articles are more exciting with new information; so click the Follow   button on the top-left corner in your screen to get all the notifications of the blog. Well today’s article is a very important topic on which I have researched the most. You may wonder what the article is all about and what the title of the post suggests; Have patience! it’s worth reading. ‘Mozzie/mossie’ is a tern picked from Australian slang which refers to ‘mosquito’. Mosquito menace is never ending, but it cannot be neglected because of their disease transmitting capacities. They are considered as the deadliest insects ever on the earth. May be due to the life threatening diseases it spreads or sleepless nights due to its irritating noise produced by their wings; ultimately, ‘mozzie menace’ is insufferable. Only female mosquitoes suck blood of any animals or human beings because females require more energy for ovary developments an...


It was a beautiful Monday morning; new week, work load, weekly targets, lots of planning in my mind and so on. Got down from the bus, stepped into the college, wished everyone ‘Good morning’ and went inside my laboratory. I pulled my chair and sat, mentally preparing to accept all the challenges I get that week. The very next moment a student of mine came running to show me something;        Ma’am! Ma’am! : She cried             I rushed towards her and ended up seeing a small little bat (flying fox) lying on the floor near washroom. I managed to pick up the bat and got it to my lab. Looking at its size and external features, I could guess it was a Pipistrellus species. I made a cardboard box, loaded it with some thermocol ( Polystyrene ) and placed the bat inside. A small little hole on top was made for aeration. Then I left for my classes, after sometime I came back to the little bat to identify the sp...


NIDIFICATION – A CONTEST Obsessed, worried, ran out of all ideas … struck! Oh no! Am I feeling like a brain fog? What happened to my creativity corner? ‘Science fest’ is near and I have no idea what event to conduct for my students? Something innovative, interesting, some science in it and a cost effective event. No, this time I cannot think something new. Let me conduct a quiz: no, it’s already there in the list of events. A crossword: no, it’s been done already. A collage: no, it’s quite old now. Something fresh, untried and enthralling event. Racking my brain for a long time triggered my creative neurons. “Animals build their nests with things they find around without spending any penny. Evolutionary history says, we humans have copied the art of building from ants, bees and other species. They are rightly called as ‘biological architectures’. Can we humans build a nest how a weaver bird builds? Can we make a bee-comb like honey bees? Well let’s try mimicking them...