“The universe is full of magical things, patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper” – Eden Philpotts. Hello everyone, I remembered this quote as I remember a small incident which happened to me. It was during 2013 when I was busy with my schooling and project works. Early morning I was harvesting some leaves of a common weed for my lab work and I was intruded by a minger. He in local kannada slang asked me “What leaves are you collecting?” I just said “I need them for my laboratory work” and ended the conversation. That moment I just knew I was collecting Abutilon indicum leaves which are weeds grown near roadsides and I had to check its efficacy on mosquito larvae. I just ignored him as even I did not know much about the plant. A fair young girl plucking weeds roadside may leave anyone dumbstruck. I was doing my work and my ignorance reminded him to mind his business. But his words started eating me inside which made me curious to know more about it. Same evenin...