Hello everyone! This article is the continuation of previous article “EXHIBITION AT CFTRI MYSORE”. Scroll down to learn the latest in food science and technology as I introduce to the rest of the departments of CFTRI Mysore. Meat and marine products: Dehydrated egg cubes/Deep fat fried egg cubes: As we all know that egg is a complete food; it possesses all the important nutrients essential for us. It is rich in proteins, fats, minerals, vitamins and carbs; so I recommend adding eggs to your diet every day. But if you are bored of having the same old boiled eggs, poached eggs or scrambled eggs, then this crunchy bites and cubes are the one for you. The eggs are boiled, seasoned and spiced up before subjecting it to dehydration or frying them and made into crunchy bites. The egg cubes are into different products based on its nutritional sources. They are, egg albumin cube, egg cubes without spices, whole egg cubes, egg yolk cubes and so on. These products have a she...