Merry Christmas everyone! Let this Christmas brings you all the joy and happiness in your life. Christmas is a festival; Christmas is a custom and Christmas is a tradition. It is celebrated throughout the world by both Christians and non-Christians. Christmas tree, star, bells, balls, Santa Claus, Crib, all these things symbolise the great X-mas festival. Variously, even keeping Christmas Cactus is also a practice for the same.

Christmas cactus, Sachlumbergera native to Brazil is called so because it blooms flowers during Christmas season. Comparably, Easter cactus Hatiora gaertneri blooms flowers only during Easter. Cactus represents draught and harsh conditions. Even if it represents the famine, several species of cactus are winsome in their appearance and hence cultivated. Cultivating and exhibiting the cacti species can be termed as a 'cactus garden'. There are several cactus gardens in this world, one such garden is in India, named as "National Cactus and Succulent Botanical Garden and Research Centre. 

When I had made a visit to Noong Noch village. A small portion of the place was used as a cactus garden. So, here I have few pics, which I clicked in 'Cactus garden'. 

Echinocactus grusonii.
Agave species

Stenocereus sp.

Stenocereus sp.

Cleistocactus (Identification required)

Sage wort (Indentification required)

Prickly pear and Sage wort

Agave species

Yucca species

Vareities of cactus species



Golden barrel cactus

Along with the cactus, certain bonsai plants are also attracting visitors.

So, that's it for the day, see you next week with yet another article. Till then have a happy year-end and wish you all Merry Christmas and happy prosperous new year.

Do help me in identifying the cactii varieties and leave your comments in the comment section.


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