Hi everyone. Welcome to what's around us.  I wish everyone a very happy World Environment Week.
Collage prepared by students
We all  might have celebrated the World Environment Day by either planting the saplings or by joining any awareness events or any campaign. Once the day is over then we continue our routine and the word environment may be heard on the next year itself. Why is it so nessecary for us to celebrate the environment day? Why should we conserve it? What happens if we don't conserve our nature? How can we help in conserving our environment?

The World Environment Day is celebrated on June 5th every year to create the awareness on the protection and conservation of environment and to know it's importance.

What is environment? 
The word environment refers to our surrounding or in other terms everything around us which is natural. So What's around us? We have our plants, animals and microbes as our biotic or living components and air, water, hills, mountains and other abiotic or non living components constitute our environment. 

Environment is the house in which we live. It provides us everything we need like food, timber, fibre, fodder, fuel, medicine, oxygen, rain and others. We are dependent on the environment for each and everything. We are directly or indirectly dependent on all the organisms in this world. So it is very essential for us to conserve the species living with us in our environment. If any one of this species is missing then the whole system will be altered and loses its equilibrium (homeostasis). Every organism interacts with the abiotic factors and lives. Hence we can't miss to conserve any species or natural things present in our environment. 

What happens if we don't conserve environment?
We are depleting our environment by various activities like mining, poaching, hunting, deforestation, forest fire, excessive usage of natural resources etc. Such activities leads to pollution of various kinds and natural calamities which affect human health. 

How to conserve the environment? 
We can conserve our environment by judicial usage of the natural resources, I remember one of my Professor saying, "Eat cake the  and keep it"  petrol,  diesel, water etc. Use the resources but do restore it for future generations.  By protecting the endangered and endemic plants and animal species. Providing more habitats to conserve the wildlife. Planting more trees in our surroundings. Say no to hunting, deforestation, mining, poaching, smuggling etc. By creating awareness to people about importance of nature. 

Every individual should realise that we are getting benefitted from environment and it's our duty to protect it and make better use of it. We can't live in a harsh environment, if we are the cause of pollution then we should be the solution for this. This year the World Environment Day theme is the air pollution and it's prevention. So plant more trees and reduce air pollution. 


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