5 best ways to control Diabetes mellitus

Hello! viewers. Welcome to what's around us. It's been a long time after me posting any articles, probably I had been a poke-easy person being a couch potato. Lack of physical activities, no balanced diet, junk food, many other unhealthy practices. It was late when I realized my weight gain, Increase in BMI and increase in the risk of various life style infirmities. Uffff.. how to get out of this health threat?? Lifestyle infirmities/disease are the diseases which are caused by a person's life style like food habits, lack of physical excersises, smoking, alcohol etc. Hypertension, Diabetes, Obesity, Cancer, Cardiovascular diseases are some of the examples of lifestyle infirmities. Diabetes is one of the major problem of concern in India with nearly 98 million people suffering from it. South Indians are said to be more prone than north Indians. Diabetes may not be because of one reason, it can be due to the combinations of these , 1. Heredity 2. Overweight/Obesity 3...