5 best ways to control Diabetes mellitus

Hello! viewers. Welcome to what's around us. It's been a long time after me posting any articles, probably I had been a poke-easy person being a couch potato. Lack of physical activities, no balanced diet, junk food, many other unhealthy practices. It was late when I realized my weight gain, Increase in BMI and increase in the risk of various life style infirmities. Uffff.. how to get out of this health threat??

Lifestyle infirmities/disease are the diseases which are caused by a person's life style like food habits, lack of physical excersises, smoking, alcohol etc. Hypertension, Diabetes, Obesity, Cancer, Cardiovascular diseases are some of the examples of lifestyle infirmities.

Diabetes is one of the major problem of concern in India with nearly 98 million people suffering from it. South Indians are said to be more prone than north Indians. Diabetes may not be because of one reason, it can be due to the combinations of these ,
1. Heredity
2. Overweight/Obesity
3. Stress
4. Lack of insulin production
5. Damaged beta cells which produces insulin

Test for diabetes: there are numerous ways in which blood sugar level can be tested.
1. Fasting Plasma Glucose: this test measures the blood sugar level in the morning in fasting conditions. Sugar level below 100mg/DL is said to be normal, 100-125mg/Dl is prediabetic condition and above 126mg/Dl is a diabetic condition.

2. Random blood sugar test: this test can be done anytime. With out without food. If the serum glucose is above 200mg/Dl is considered as diabetic.

Control and prevention:
1. People coming under the risk of diabetes have to been screened regularly. Person whose father, mother or siblings are diabetic are said to be in risk . High BMI, over weight and people of age 45 and above are said to be in risk.

2. Go for a balanced diet.. Add in lots of physical activities.

3. Avoid smoking and drinking.

4. Consume enough nutritious food like millets, jowar, vegetables, ragi, sprouts etc.

5. Home remedies:
Having  raw leaves of Chamaecostus cuspidatus (insulin plant) or drinking it's decoction reduces the blood sugar levels.

Seeds of Caesalpenia bunduc are known to drop down blood sugar instantaneously.
I hope you got enough idea about lifestyle infirmities and it's risks, more information will be furnished in future articles. Until then keep reading what's around us. Stay happy, healthy, fit, and disease free. Now let me start reducing my BMI and it's later risks.. 


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