To eat is necessity. But to eat intelligently is an art.

Hi viewers! I wish everyone a very happy and prosperous Dasara. Let's eat veggies in this festive season in healthy way.
Vegetables plays a very indispensable part in our daily diet. In India, since most of the people are vegetarians, vegetables are in great demand. There are over 2000 species of vegetables with great nutritional benefits. It's not just the pulp which is nutritional but peels of certain veggies are of great benefit too. In today's articles let me share some of the most useful vegetable peels which we simply shed off. 
You might have used these vegetables peels for compost, fodder or in cosmetics. Apart from these benefits, they can be added in our diet and get enriched. Vegetable peels are rich in fibre and antioxidants which is good for your gut. Scroll down to known how good our vegetable peels are which is piled up in our kitchen like other garbage. 

1. Potato peel: (Solanum tuberosome)  
Potato is usually skinned off before cooking, I bet you won't do after reading this.
-  Research says that potato peels are rich in antioxidants and have antimicrobial properties.
- Surprisingly peel is rich in vitamins than the potato. It contains vitamin B and vitamin C.
- It contains essential minerals like iron, calcium, potassium which helps in proper body metabolism, provides necessary haemoglobin content and keeps our bone strong and sound.
- Required fibres are found in skin.

2. Cucumber peel: (Cucumis sativus)
Benefits of cucumber is known to everyone, but it is enhanced multiple times if consumed with peel. Peel and seeds are considered to be more nutritious than the pulp in cucumbers.
- Cucumber when eaten with peel is more tasty than the pulp. Similarly it is rich in  antioxidants.
- We have practiced to use cucumber for our skin and eyes because of the presence beta carotene which is an antioxidant.
- Peels are rich in fibre and good for your gut and ails constipation.
- Contains minerals like potassium, magnesium and manganese.
- Vitamin K is present in greater quantities along with vitamin A and vitamin C.

3. Lemon peel: (Citrus limon Lin.)
This is not the first time me speaking about lemon peel, in my article mozzie menace I have shared about the mosquito larvicidal properties. (See also)
Lemon peel are the multiple purposely beneficial stuff of this nature. My granny used to recommend me to use lemon and orange peels to fight acne and pimples. And it works for me. Health benefits of lemon peel is less known, it is usually avoided for its bitter taste. Lemon peel can be tasty and healthy I must say.
- Peels of lemon are loaded with vitamin C which is good for gums, digestive tract, skin and hair.
- Contains calcium and potassium which keeps our bone strong.
- Limonoids are the alkaloids found in lemon and citrus  fruits which has anticancer properties.
- Antioxidants and antimicrobial properties which makes enhanced our skin health.
- Pectin found in lemon peel promotes weight loss and reduces the risk of cholesterol and it's effects.
- Fibres, flavonoids and other essential compounds are abundant in peels.
Lemon zest can be tossed while cooking noodles, fried rice or mixed with vegetables. Peels can be added while making lemonade, jellies and candies.

4. Tomato peel: (Solanum lycopersicum)
Except in purees and sauces tomato is usually eaten with skin. Like the above mentioned peels, even tomato has 98 percentage of nutrients in peel than pulp.
- Tomato peel is rich in flavanols  which has anticancer and lower risk of cardiovascular diseases.
- Rich in antioxidants.
- Vitamin A, vitamin C and Vitamin E is present.
- Potassium is the mineral found in large quantities.

5. Ginger peel: (Zingiber officinalis)
Ginger peel is same as that of its flesh except for its thickness. It is tender and edible when it is fresh but hard to digest if it's matured. Ginger is used unpeeled for teas, pickles, candies etc but peeled while cooking. Ginger peel like potato, contains antioxidants and antimicrobial properties. The fresh ginger is better to use with peel and obtain it's benefits to the fullest.

Carrots, beet roots, brinjal/ eggplant and other veggies is better to consume with peel as the peel contains 90 percent more nutrients than the flesh. Fruits like apple, orange, kiwi, can be eaten with peel to get more benefits. The only cause of concern in having veggies or fruits with peel is the wax coating. Veggies and fruits are coated with thin layer of wax to increase its shelf life and protect itself from pests.

Washing the veggies and fruits thoroughly with fresh water can remove the wax film and it's ready to eat. Before trying these stuffs with peels make sure you wash them well.

This article is dedicated to my husband, Mr. Stafford Michahial on his birthday. Thank you. 


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