Hi all! Welcome to another episode of Mudigere mini break. A place where the beauty reaches at its peaks. So lucky enough to view the moon in its full bloom and bright like a big golden ball. 

Mighty moon grabbed our attentions towards itself and tempted us to Catch him.

Our stay was safe and cool in homestay 'Betta da baagilu'. The food was tasty serves south Indian delicacies, Kodamputtu (Steamed food made of broken rice best for the breakfast menu) being my all time favourite. 

'Betta da baagilu' homestay

Not just the beauty of nature which stole our attention, a cute little puppy and it's lovely attire had bought me that love and happiness which I was missing from my pet dickkie those days. Puppy was our local guide basically, it showed is the route for homestay from the falls and water sports area. I really miss this adorable and intelligent young dog.

A view clicked from the front space of homestay. 
Green filled area with many varieties of species showing the biodiversity richness of the place. 

This seems to be a pteris fern but not sure of the species. 

Anthurium andraeanum grown on the pots in the front yard.

A very common Ixora coccinea making its presence prominent having a bright red inflorescence. 

A flower may attract the nature lover but a twig grown from the crevices attract a naturalist. 
Mosses I found this entries bunch fallen in the coffee plantation sites. 

Looks like a species of Sphagnum moss. It was grown on the bark peel of a tree.

Sonchus arvensis bending it's heads down after a massive bloom. 

Begonia malabarica 

Very well spread Piper nigrum common black pepper. 

Sphagneticola calendulacea 

A variety of croton 

Ficus pumila 

Funaria sporophyte 

Hebanaria species.. an orchid variety

Robusta arabia, Coffee plant

Finally a view of the front hill justifying the witness for landslide in the place. According to the fellow dwellers the landslide has worsened for the first time in the place. He reasons that man's greediness to widen the roads have led to the disastrous results. Well, this year's flood was factually severe and red alert was issued from the meteriological department.

That's it for now, next week I will be back with similar exciting article. Keep logging in to what's around us till then.. 

I extend my gratitude for Prof. Kaduval Krishnan for helping me in identifying the species. 


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