Happy cups

 Hi viewers.. Welcome to What's around us. Today's article is dedicated to all my she friends who dream of having a pad free periods. 

Pads, Periods and Pain

Since age 12 we all have been habituated to carry a secret pocket with a pad in it. And this is the reason why most of the women won't let anyone to touch their bag. Carrying the wrapped napkins from the secret pocket to washroom is another big task. Annoying sound the sticker makes, irritation the wings give, leakage, wedges and blah blaaaah blaaaah. Disposing it is another mess. 

Well, we all have some of these relatable experiences with Pads, Periods and Pain. But, I am happily out of this pad mess by switching to reusable menstrual cup. 

I was recommended by my colleague about this reusable cups, Thanks to her! I was so glad that for the first time someone didn't whisper while sharing something about menstrual cycle. Speaking about menstrual cycle is still a taboo in India. Not everyone is open about speaking of it. 

But why not? It's another process which takes place in females reproductive system just like respiration, digestion etc. Menstruation just helps in getting rid off the unfertilized egg out of the body and some blood and tissue from the endometrial layer of the uterus. In humans and primates there is a flow of blood as the wall of the endometrial layer of uterus breaks which was built to prepare for the pregnancy. If there is no fertilization, then the menstruation continues. Menstrual flow lasts for 2-5days in the interval of every 28-29 days. Menstrual blood is just like the other blood which oozes out of your body. 

Coming back to menstrual cup, it is an eco-friendly, reusable and user friendly device to collect the menstrual blood. The cup is made of rubber or silicone material. Like other devices it doesn't absorb blood but collects it. I have tried all brands of pads available in the market, yet none of them were as comfortable as cups. You won't feel like you are wearing a cup or you won't feel like you are in your 3 days journey. You won't see the blood spotting when you pee and retain fresh underwear. Cup creates a vacuum inside the vagina and hence there is no chance of leakage. Your best friend need not check your back all time. You can do all your daily activities just like your normal days. You can wear it for 6-12 hours based on the flow. Empty the contents of the cup twice a day. It's been an year after me using the cups and since then I have never hated my periods. I welcome my periods with ease.

Make sure you are sanitizing your cups regularly with warm water and soft soap. Cups are available in sizes like small, medium and large. Women who have given birth vaginally is recommended to use the large one. Oh! I remembered when I said Vagina! Take care of your vagina, the most important and sensitive part of the body. Don't use any products like soaps or vaginal washes available in the market. Vagina produces its own serum which cleans and lubricates naturally. 

50% of Indian women use pads and most of the rural population is still dependent on rags which is totally unhygienic. Pads, napkins produces lots of solid waste and it's very difficult to recycle these wastes. 

Hence, I would recommend all women to switch to cups than trying out with napkins, tampons etc. to have a hygienic menstrual practice and stay eco-friendly. Share this secret to all your she friends and this time don't whisper 😉


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