The Thor

13th January 2020 had left the crowd disappointed after losing a 50 year old Jaws III. He was huge, calm, keen to respond and a friendly soul. His heroic acts on Sunday afternoon will be greatly missed by the congregation. Who would lead the Sunday noon assembly hereafter was a big question? 

Well, as Alberto Casing says, "Life is not a rehearsal. Each day is a new show. No repeat. No rewind. Give your best shot in all your worthy acts as the show must go on".. Taking these words as a challenge, on 22nd January 2020 comes the beast to reign the kingdom.. 

"I am Thor, son of Odin!". 

The Thor

Proud son of the oldest couple Odin and Freyan was born in 1988. He was raised in that kingdom and this is palace is purely his. Today he is 34 years old and truly deserves a private pool. He is rightly named after the Norse god of thunder, the sky and agriculture "Thor" who is known for his great strength, quick temper and impatience to follow rules. 

'Thor', 34 years old male, 15 feet long and weighing 350-400 kg is a saltwater crocodile bred in "The Madras Crocodile Bank Trust and Centre for Herpetology". 

Madras Crocodile Bank was started by Romulus Whitaker in the year 1976 to conserve the 3 reptile species of India namely, mugger, gharial and saltwater crocodile. The bank started its journey by collecting nests from the wild crocodile habitats of Tamil Nadu, India and hatched them in the lab. Now it is home for a18 species of crocodiles out of 23 extant species in the world. The Madras Croc bank is a true inspiration for the conservation of wildlife and creating awareness to lay man. 

Saltwater Crocodile: 

Crocodylus porosus, nicknamed as 'Saltie' is the king of crocodiles and the largest reptile on the earth. It is seen in brackish water and estuaries. Saltie in India is seen only in three places, Andamans and Nicobars, the mangrove swamps in Orissa and West Bengal. Salty has no large scales behind its head unlike other crocs. It will reach more than 20 feet in length. 

How nice it would be if the Thor grows that big, isn't it? Thor from his private pool would be looking at us and uttering, 

"You people are so petty. And tiny"

 Just like the Thor the God of Thunder, has 3 magical items namely, hammer, belt and iron gloves which embellish his strength; our Thor croc has a mighty jaws, hard skin and rows of strong teeth. 


Thor in his pool
PC: Gnaneshwar. Ch/MCBT

His powerful jaws helps to munch on his favorite chicken meal served once in a week. Rest of the time he likes to rest inside his pool. I couldn't spot him out of the pool when I visited last time as it was summer. He prefers to stay inside the water most of the time during summer and comes out early in the morning for basking. 

Just like the Thor the God of Thunder, he is very tempered and impatient. Thor likes his own company and haven't been tamed anytime, he responds to calls only if needed. He is quick to collect his meal from the keepers but rest of the time, do not disturb him. 
"Because, that's what heroes do!"

These heroes deserve our concern. Salties are least concerned according to the red data book. Their population is declining due to poaching for leather. Crocodile-human conflict is quite obvious in India, yet crocs conservation is very important. These are the apex predator in the ecosystem. They maintain the ecosystem balance by checking on the population of other species in the ecosystem. Thanks to MCBT for their efforts to conserve these beauties in both ex-situ and in-situ habitat. 

Check this video to view the 3D model of the Thor
3D model of Thor by Udith Bidappa (3D artist)

Well, 'cheers to Thor and his reign', as this big salty has long way to go.. Next time if you are in Chennai, India, do not miss to see the mighty Thor. I will be back with yet another interesting article, till then, keep reading 'What's around us?'. 

I extend my gratitude to Ms. Steffi Joh (Education officer, MCBT) and Mr. Gnaneshwar. Ch/MCBT for providing me the necessary info about Thor. 

My special thanks to Mr. Udit Bidappa (3D artist) and Mr. Simon for their kind support. 


  1. Your articles are very interesting, and beneficial mam and everytime I'm getting something new knowledge from ur articles... waiting for next article mam😊

  2. Lovely article Sangeetha, will definitely visit once to see Thor.


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