The Lungs of Mysuru: Part 2

Hi viewers, Welcome to 'What's around us to explore'! Today's article is a continuation of my previous article "The Lungs of Mysuru" aka Kukkarahali Lake. A lake which is situated in the heart of Mysuru, and loved by all nature admirers. The lake is so elegant and pleasent and every pic that I took from this lake looks like as if it is painted. Every time you visit this place, you will get a fresh new experience and positive vibes. This time I was lucky enough to get welcomed by a beautiful peahen, it just passed in front of me as soon as I stepped in side the walking path from University gate. This time rain enhanced the pleasing sights of the lake. The forest area of the lake drenched in rain water. Looks like a random pic of a tree but if we give a closer look for a while, you can see thousands of bats community hanging on the branches. This is a place where I have seen maximum number of bats community at a time. Roosts of flying fox/bats com...