Episodes of Lake Marathon: 10 Devarakere, Hinkal

 Where will life take us? 

Everyday I wake up, do daily chores, go to work, return home, eat and sleep. 
What can bring change in my life? Where will the life take me? 
Today I wasn't looking for a change, but I was looking for something; 
Something which is mine but I do not have it yet. My priceless treasure is yet to be found.
 How will I seek for it? How many have mocked me for this?
 How many times do you hear people back biting you? 
How long can you ignore them? How far can you hide them? 
How far can you sustain without your treasure? 
Took my vehicle out, almost drove for an hour then, find a place to rest.
 A place which isn't fancy, a place which isn't for a party;
This is a place to rest, a place to worship;
A place to think, a place to seek peace. 

That was a Wednesday mid morning, 18th January 2023, which shook my life. I was not the same person I woke up that day. That day I got to know that I won't find my treasure I am seeking for? Am I incapable of it? I was going weaker and weaker inside. Until I found a place to rest which could calm me down.

Why don't we humans live like birds?

Cormorants, Devarakere, Mysore

Devarakere, is located in Hinkal. The word Devarakere means God's lake. This lake is believed to be build during Chola's period. There is a temple next to it and the lake is a part of the temple. It was a mid morning and hence the lake wasn't opened. I took the keys from the lake care taker's place and went inside it. I was just looking for a lonely place which can restore my soul with peace. Luckily I had my camera with me that day. 



I just took my camera and I was simply taking some random pics of the lake. 


And saw a cattle egret near the water. What is so shocking about cattle egrets, they are found everywhere. They build their nests in colonies near water bodies, not just with egrets but they colonize with cormorants and ibis as well. But why don't we human socialize like them?

After keenly observing, I found a pair dabchicks swimming in the middle of the water. 

Kissing each other and happily spending their time. Why are we humans not like them? Why cannot we live carefree like them? Why don't we have time for our loved ones? 

Do you think this greater cormorant is lonely like me?

Wherever the great cormorants turn, it has its buddies, it has its colonies living with it. It stays in the same nest for years with the same mate. 

Even Indian cormorants live in peace with the greater cormorants, without any competition, without any fear. 


 A bird is never alone, A plant is never alone, then why are we humans left alone?  Birds do not mock at each other, birds are  not envy of you. Can we humans live like them?


A breasted kingfisher hunts lonely but builds the nests with its mate. 

Grey heron foraging lonely yet breeds in colonies, both the mates builds their nests, incubates their clutches 

Pond heron seen alone foraging will never leave its group during dry season. Why do we humans leave our loved ones at times?

Avifauna of Devarakere: 

I found 7 types of birds that day in the lake, probably I would have got more such interesting species if I had visited early morning. Next time I will plan another visit here and try to explore the hidden creatures present. All thanks to the family who is taking care of this lake along with the temple. 

That day I found out that humans can betray, humans can cheat but birds wouldn't do. Still seeking for the treasure which is mine, yet the lake restored my soul and sent me home with peace. While my routine continues to date without a change. I hope some of you would have been in such situations like I did. I hope nature takes you to the path which can give you some peace and rest. Take care, bye bye! 


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