Episodes of Lake Marathon: 11 Varuna Lake

Every day is a day, you have never seen before. 

- Anonymous 

Hello! Salaam! Vanakam! Ni hao viewers! Last month I had a very good number of viewers from Singapore. I thank all my Singapore viewers for their love and blessings. More to go...

I am back with yet another exciting episode of Lake Marathon. Today I visited Varuna Lake of Mysore. This Lake is quite near to Mysore city, hardly it is 13-14km drive. Varuna lake is know for its adventure activities and invites many tourists, especially during Dasar season. But there are also some bird watching activities and nature walks conducted in this place. So, let me give a walk through of what I explored in Varuna Lake. 

Varuna Lake, Mysore

Started by breathing the fresh air of the lake. Lake looks very clean, pure, less polluted and rich in biodiversity. 

Spot billed Pelican: It is named so because, it has some dark spots on its bill. Also the bill is provided with a pouch which helps in rapid vibration to cool the body. This mechanism is called as gular fluttering. 

Spot Billed Pelican 

Black Headed Ibis: Also known as Oriental White Ibis, were found in a big group wadding on the lake bank. This time, I could step down into the lake and spot few birds. Its quite dangerous as the banks will be loose and muddy. I struggle to walk on it but the ibis were wadding like a pro. Along with ibis there were some Purple Moorhen spotted as well. This bird was the key species found in this lake. 

Black Headed Ibis

Purple Moorhen: Also known as Grey headed Swamphen. This is an easy bird to take a snap because of its slow movements, tail always flicks up while walking. Quite commonly available water birds of Mysore. 


Purple moorhen

Purple Heron: It does not look as it is named. The colour of the bird is quite rusty and brown. The neck is slender, long and retractable. Bills are thin compared to that of the Grey herons.  


Purple Heron

Large Egret: Some large egrets were found along with the purple heron and the pond herons. Found predating on the shallow water by taking its own time. 

Large egret

Bills of the second set of Egrets was dark, possibly a Large egret of breeding plumage. 

Asian Openbill Stork: Aha! this is the first time I am spotting this bird in this season. I expected this one to be present in Karanji lake and Kukkarahalli lake, ultimately I found it here in Varuna. As the name indicates, it always have its bill open, and this helps in crushing the shells of the molluscans. 



Asian Openbill Stork

Pond Heron: How can a lake be completed without pond herons? This bird has been found almost in all the lakes that I have visited so far. No doubt to say that this is the most commonly found lake bird in India. 

Pond Heron

Greater Cormorant: This bird was perching alone on the empty tree branch. No surprises that I have spotted it, coz its found in almost all the water bodies in an around Mysore. 

Grey Heron

Dabchick/ Little Grebe: This is the tiniest water bird I have observed. It is fast in its swimming and an excellent diver. Rarely you can get a good snap of it. I was lucky in Bogadi Kere, where I could get a close pic of this bird and the eyes of this bird just looks like that of a doll or a toy. 

Little Grebe

Common Coot: I was longing for this bird here and I found it. This is another common bird which I have spotted in all the episodes of lake marathon. Predominantly in Bogadi Kere. 

Common Coot

Bronze Winged Jacana: Both adult and juvenile birds of jacanas are seen. Peculiar character is it has white eyebrows other than the prominent bronze coloured feathers on its belly. I have found this bird in Kukkarahali lake as well during this season. 


Bronze Winged Jacana

Spot Billed Duck: Ducks of this kind were found in a group as spotted previously. Good part is, it won't often migrate. 


Spot Billed Duck 

Now moving on to the aerial birds, I could quickly spot some of them. Lets start with the predominantly found ones. 

Brahminy kite: Fortunately kites were captured during its breeding season. Couple of nests were found which was large and pot shaped build between the tree branches. Nests were well protected from the predators. 

Brahminy Kite

Red Rumped Swallow: A bunch of these swallows were constantly flying over the lakes. But I need a bigger magnifying lens to capture these birds, yet its a tough nut to crack. 

Red Rumpled Swallow
White Breasted Kingfisher: This lonely bird was sitting on the tall grasses of the lake. 

White Breasted Kingfisher

Western Yellow Wagtail: I am seeing this bird for the first time in my life and I am glad that I found it. The picture in the left suggests, number of wagtails perching on the cable wire. Usually found in groups. Identified by its bright yellow underparts. 


Western Yellow Wagtail

Black Drongo: Brid of the season, found perching on the cable wire. 


Black Drongo

This is a pipit species found on the grounds of the lake side. I couldn't identify the right species due to unclear image. 

Pipit bird

Bird nest built on the tree branches and could see the large grasses being a home for number of precious bird species. 


Found this cute little stray dog near the lake, probably the inhabitants might have raised this.  

As I was walking on the banks of the lake, I could see plenty of this land snails. 

Found an unusual ground hole on the lake banks, no guessing of what species home it could be. 

Flora: Some of the unique floral species of the lake were spotted on the lake side. 

Ipomoea species                                Persicaria longiseta 


Water lily 

That's the highlights of the Varuna lake. As I can make out, there were around 17 bird species which I could identify. There are more birds than that I have recorded, hoping to cover more during the next visit. The lake water was very clear, very less polluted and balanced. It is rich in biodiversity and aesthetically pleasing.  

This lake has laid a special impact in me as I could see some birds which is new and not spotted in other lakes. Also learnt there are regular bird watching activities going on in this lake. This lake not just attracts Nature lovers but also has some fun filled adventure activities. Do not forget to Pay a visit to Varuna Lake next time. 


Pelican which we saw in the beginning of this lake rounds rushed back towards us and waved us good bye! Isn't it surprising? I will miss this until we meet next. Till then keep reading What's around us and more to be explored in the lake marathons. 





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