Episodes of Lake Marathon: 12 Samboja Lake

Little Egret 
Samboja Lake

Small and neat, its just a lake

New layout is busy with construction work

Nobody bothered to care for the life in it, because its just a lake

Bee eaters, warblers and Kingfishers in the place

Several egrets and Ibis didn't make any difference 

Ducks and their chicks have some bushes to hide

Open bill storks keeps flying with pride

What will happen to these beauties if the lake is fragmented? 

How many species of plants and birds will be vanished?

Can it be abandoned  coz its just a lake?


There is a small  neglected lake named Samboja Lake near MIT, College Mysore. This small little lake is struggling to mark its existence, the birds over there are struggling to protect their nests. I could see around 10 species of birds there including open bill storks and duck species. A new layout is getting formed in the place, can this lake be conserved? 



Asian Green Bee Eater 

Small Blue Kingfisher 

Open Bill Stork                                     Reed Warbler

Euphorbia thirukali




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