Do you wanna play a game?

Hi friends! I was very busy with my work these days and could not overcome my stress, thought of downloading a new game and release all my work pressure. Its been more than half an year after me downloading any games and playing it. So I made my mind to play some games last week, I downloaded one game from play store and have started playing again before like a crazy woman. I totally enjoyed first two sessions of games, and for the third time I felt like I am being addicted to this and today  I was just thinking what changes I have made through the past one week?
First thing is, I am in my drawing room playing with my cellphone but I cannot hear anyone speaking to me. Second thing, I am letting all my work pending, third and the foremost thing is my game is keeping me more busy than I could be with my work. Uffff, what change did I try to bring out in my life and what am I doing actually???? Am I the only one who is addicted to online games? Or is there a crowd following me?? Many such questions arose at a time which made me to research about the effects of playing games (online or offline). So scroll down to know what are the impacts of being an online game addict. 

In India, Rummy, Counter-strike, Criminal case, Teen patti, Pirate kings, PUBG, Clash of Clans, Candy crush, temple run, ludo are the most played games. FIFA, Minecraft, Call of Duty, DOTA 2 (Defence Of The Ancient), Battlefield are the most popular online games. Younger generations (I would like to call them GEN Y in short) are more addicted to play PUBG  (Player Unknown's Battlegrounds) online. Teenagers and people below the age group of 25 are more addicted than the other age groups, we can notice this addiction even at the age group of 30-40 if they are addicted for video games/online games when they were teens and haven't overcome it as they grow old. So lets see the effects of playing games. 

- Behavioural changes: First thing what changes we can observe from an game addict is his/her changes in behaviour. The pupil since completely involved in the game tends to speak less with the people and after playing games for a long time makes a person less exposed to the normal life and show a very aggressive or violent behaviours. The talking tone and way changes gradually either with their parents or in outside world. The researchers have noticed that the students who are addicted to online games argues with a teacher, fights with their friends/siblings/parents more than other kids. 

- Isolation: A child addicted to online games knows only the opponent or if any other players are involved with the same business. So these kids find very difficult to gel with the other kids and makes very less friends. No doubt they will be isolated from their families too. 

- No social life: Being isolated is a clear indication for the child showing poor social life. Do you think if an addicted kid is taken to a social party likes to stay with their parents until it gets over? Can you expect the kid to speak to guests like how their parents do in parties? No. A big NO. In short the kid has no idea of being social.  

- Insomnia: This is a very important effect to consider. Online games won't finish in a minute or a two. It takes hours together to complete one game. So the child is awake until the game gets over, so once the game gets over do you think it will stop there? So if two or three games are played per day then the child will not get the necessary 8 hours of sleep. Insomnia or sleeplessness can lead to several health effects including mental disorders. They are more prone to severe depressions. 

- Anorexia: The addiction to online games makes a person poor eater which is medically termed as Anorexia. The addiction makes them to forget or delay their meal timings. Anorexia shows a peculiar behavioural symptoms where a person severely restricts food intake or delays it by making excuses.  

- Physical ill effects: Being a couch potato in front of system for a long time makes a child very unhealthy. No proper physical activities, this may lead to obesity, hypertension, diabetes, back pain, neck pain and other related diseases. The game addiction effects the entire body, it affects digestive system, nervous system, excretory system (addicted kids consume less water than others), there will be hormonal fluctuations in them since they are subjected to stimulation and excitement as a part of their games. And some sources says that the addiction to games leads to infertility but I do not have enough evidences to prove it. In short the whole body and life is affected due to game addictions. 

So these are the ill effects caused due to the online/offline game addictions. If you are an addict to, then please try to reduce playing and much better thing is stopping it completely. By quoting all these things, what conclusion I can give is playing a game in front of computer or mobile is not the way of relaxing instead it is a major cause for your tomorrow's health and lifestyle issues. And its time for me to uninstall all the games from my PC and wish everyone to get rid of the game addiction and become a healthy person to the society. 


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