
When your mood is down, and seeking to find that lost happiness in you, then just look at a flower which is fully bloomed. What a joy to see a flower with a vibrant petals wide open and ready to invite seduce someone. A flower has many importance in our livelihood, may to decorate our interiors or decorate our gardens or to please someone or to offer for their deity. 

A flower has its own part in our culture and traditions, but do we know that for what actually a flower is produced? Viewers, in my previous articles and pages I have written about many flowers shows but this time it is different. It is not about a flower show or a photography but it is about for what a flower is meant for. 

"A flower blooms for its own joy", says Oscar Wilde. Lots of things hidden inside this proverb. A flower blooms for its own joy and not for your joy is the verbal meaning. 

In a scientific explanation, a flower is modified leaves which helps in the act of reproduction. A flower is a reproductive organ of a plant, it bears male reproductive system- stamen which produces pollen grains (male gamete), and female reproductive system- pistil which bears ovum (female gamete). The sexual reproduction in plants takes place in a flower. 

In most of the cases when the flower is in bud stage itself the pollen grains will fertilize the ovum; so the act of transfer of pollen grains from stamen to stigma is called as pollination. In some plants the pollen grains are transferred to the stigma of different flowers called as cross pollination which can be facilitated by wind or other aids. In certain flowers, where insects helps in pollination, the flowers are vibrant in colour and produces sweet fragrance to attract insects. So the flower blooms for its own joy and not for yours. Here I am posting some attractive flowers taken by my husband Stafford Michahial when he visited ICAR campus Delhi a few days back. 

Photography by Stafford Michahial
ICAR campus Delhi 

Next time before you pluck a flower just think twice whether you are taking away the joy of a flower. By saying this I conclude my post, see you next week with yet another article, till then keep reading what's around us. You can follow me on my Facebook official page "What's around us?" for more such articles. Bye bye.. 


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