Shortest but Fastest

Hi viewer, welcome to What's around us. If I ask you which is the most fastest mammal on earth? then, what would be your answer? If your answer is 'Cheetah' then I would say no. Yes of course, the fastest animal in this planet is cheetah but there is yet another answer for this question. According to me the fastest mammal on earth is our 'adolescents'

Adolescence is a transitional period of ones life, it happens to be in the age of 12-18. This can be said as the second shortest phase in your life history, where the first one is infancy. It is the most fanciest phase in our life time. I wish I could be that teenager again who used to fight with mom everyday starting from her wake up alarm clock till the endless arguments before bed. I used to argue with her for almost everything. I used to feel I am correct in all the ways and used to be more comparative and judgemental. I think everyone of us might have gone through these. In my previous article I had stressed on the changes in the adolescents' brain and its effects, in today's article let us see how the brain is developing in the adolescents.

In humans the thinking capacity starts at the age of 3-4. My sister-in-law's son who is just three years old questions us for each and everything he finds around him. He tries to correlate everything he knows through his observations. A child will start questioning and thinking at the age of three. It will become more progressive as they enter primary schooling. 5-12 is the age in which they are more oriented towards learning and their thinking becomes logical. During this age a child wont be able to understand himself/ or others. The child wont be much judgemental about oneself whether he/ she is tall, or dark, or short/ any other physical characters.

But when it comes to the age of 13 year old, both girls and boys will be able to recognise his or her friend based on their physical appearances. They will start judging themselves and others in all aspects, they try to compare people, parents, friends. They are easy to make friends in the same way very easy for the breakups too. Apart from these, their choices becomes different, talking, dressing style will start changing. This is because of their spurt in brain development. The adolescent brain starts thinking in a critical way, it will become more scientific in them. So the actual thinking capacity is well marked in adolescents than childhood.

As I have seen among my students, children during their 10th grade shows transitions in their learning and academic performances. Child who seems to be an average can start performing better as he/she grows older. A child can become more systematic in solving the problems, thinking and seeking solutions during this period. So this type of  logical thinking is referred to as hypothetical deductive reasoning. A person's thinking ability is termed as cognitive processes. Intelligence is one of the most studied aspect with respect to human development. The intellectual growth in an adolescents becomes more rapid. During this time there will be refining in their memory skills and learning strategies which would help them in excelling in their academics.

Hand in hand the adolescence show maturity even in their reproductive aspects. It is the onset of puberty in both girls as well as boys, secondary sexual characters will be depicted in them. Moreover hormones plays an important role in maintaining all these activities. Very sooner they turn into adults. Therefore, the adolescents' period is the shortest and the fastest period in ones life. And now you may agree with me why I called them as the fastest mammals, so catch hold of your adolescent kids and train them to smoothly. In my future articles I will share more information about hormonal fluctuations in teenagers. Till then keep reading what's around us. 


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