“One of the advantages of being disorganized is that one is always having surprising discoveries.” ― A.A. Milne. It was a tedious thursday morning, I was in my cabin preoccupied with the things which I had to deal in the upcoming classes that day, previous day I had let my students for the field to collect something good for the taxonomical studies. I never expected I will get such a significant surprise the next day. It was a student who managed to discover a small little erect plant with its amazing infloresence happened to be Vitex negundo . Life is full of surprises! life teaches us from unexpected events every time. Initially I thought Vitex is a common plant growing on the waste lands, but it surprisingly turned out to be a vital plant with lots of medicinal benefits. Today's whole story is about Vitex negundo a vital shrub. Vitex negundo commonly called as nirgundi is another sacred shrub offered by the mother nature for mankind. It is m...