Welcome back to what's around us,  it's the monsoon rainy season in our country. Rainy season unlike the other seasons are the most loved ones, plants, animals, humans every living organisms in this world happily welcome rain. Rain indicates the beginning of life, plants start growing more greener and healthy, we get enough yield and good time for agriculture, better time for animals and best time for mosquitoes to breed.. Mosquitoes???

Yes mosquitoes! Mosquitoes breed luxuriously in the rainy season as there will be more stagnant water bodies formed at this time. Though rainy season is the best for many good things yet has some disadvantages as it comes to the point of human health. Mozzie menace will be at the peak in this period. Henceforth today's article is the continuation of the article
"Mozzie menace"

Mosquitoes remind us that humans are not the topmost in the ecosystem. It is known to spread various diseases like malaria, dengue, chikungunia, Japanese encephalitis, West Nile fever etc. Among all these Japanese encephalitis is the most dangerous one.

Japanese encephalitis is commonly called as brain fever, it is found mainly in Asian countries. Japanese encephalitis unlike it name suggests is not found in Japan, but in India Nepal, Myanmar, and Malaysia. Japan has controlled the disease by vaccination.

Japanese encephalitis is caused by a virus named Japanese encephalitis virus or JE virus, there are many strains of this virus like JE 1, JE2 , etc. It belongs to the family flavivirus, where Flavus in Latin means yellow as the virus causes jaundice as one of its symptoms. It prefers humans and other animals like egret, cattle pig as their hosts. It nearly found in paddy field regions. Spread through mosquito species, Culex tritaeniorhynchus, C. vishnui, C. pseudovishnui, Mansonia annulifera and others.

These vector breeds during the month of May to August approximately, and so is the disease outbreaks. In Karnataka, it is predominantly found in Mandya district, popular by the name summer fever. It affects manily children below the age 17. But this year, a case of 30 year old has been registered in the Government hospital.

Headache, fever, vomiting are the initial symptoms. It takes minimum 2-14 days to show it's symptoms. As the severity increases, neck stiffness, coma, seizures, paralysis is seen and ultimately death. The transmission of the disease is through the mosquito bite which carries JE virus. Usually serum test is done to screen for the infection.

This disease doesn't have any treatment. Only way to control it is by controlling vector population. Beware of mosquito bites, check the breeding sites of Mosquitoes, avoid retaining any sorts of water collection in and around your home. Vaccination is used to prevent the disease.

As there is a saying 'Prevention is better than cure', let us prevent this deadly disease by preventing the spread of mosquito population. Stay healthy. See you next time.. 


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