“One of the advantages of being disorganized is that one is always having surprising discoveries.”
A.A. Milne.  

It was a tedious thursday morning, I was in my cabin preoccupied with the things which I had to deal in the upcoming classes that day, previous day I had let my students for the field to collect something good for the taxonomical studies. I never expected I will get such a significant surprise the next day. It was a student who managed to discover a small little erect plant with its amazing infloresence happened to be Vitex negundo.
Life is full of surprises! life teaches us from unexpected events every time. Initially I thought Vitex is a common plant growing on the waste lands, but it surprisingly turned out to be a vital plant with lots of medicinal benefits. Today's whole story is about Vitex negundo a vital shrub. 

Vitex negundo commonly called as nirgundi is another sacred shrub offered by the mother nature for mankind. It is mainly used in aliment of female reproductive disorders. Not just this, it has curative properties for many diseases, some of them are discussed here. Vitex can be used from tip to toe of your body. Leaves, roots and seeds are the useful parts of the plants. 

For hairs: Vitex leaves heated with sesame oil can be applied to hairs to reduce grey hairs. Improves hair quality. 

Brain: Leaves can be used to improve memory power and intelligence; relieves anxiety. (Physician advice is recommended before taking it orally)

Ears: Leaves are boiled in mustard oil and filtered, and used as ear drops to reduce ear pain.

Headache: The leaves are made into paste and applied externally to relieve headache. Relieves migraine headache. 

Runny nose: Fumes of burnt leaves are inhaled to relieve running nose. 

Oral ulcers and throat pain: Gargle the water decoction of leaves to cure throat pain and mouth ulcers.

For skin: Vitex has antifungal properties which ails eczema, ringworm and other skin infections. Small pieces of plants mixed with urine is applied on the affected area.

Respiratory system: It cures asthma, bronchitis, cold and cough. 

Digestive system: Improves digestion, reduces anorexia (loss of appetite). Helps in removing intestinal worms. Fights against cholesterol. 

Obesity: A spoon of leave extracts should be taken orally every morning to fight obesity.

Muscular system: Relieves muscular pain, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Wounds: Heals wounds faster.

For females: Water decoction if applied on vagina, reduces inflammation. It is recommended for corpus luteum insufficiency, premenstrual syndrome, menopausal symptoms and insufficient milk production.

For Males: reduces orchitis in males (swelling of testicles).

Knowing after all these things nobody can deny how vital this Vitex is for human body. It can be used for almost all the health problems. Thanks to my student who initiated this study, and special thanks to Dr. Kaduval Krishnan for providing me the necessary information.
Hope you all will make a best use of the Vitex. Likewise there are many species around us which are very useful and we have forgotten to notice it. If u know such local remedies please do share with us. See you next week.. Bye bye.. 


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