Why do the mosquitoes suck blood?

 "Mosquitoes remind us that we are not as high up on the food chain as we think"

Greetings viewers! It's not the first time that I am writing about the mosquitoes yet I have come up with another article about the mozzies. Well I had expressed enough menaces caused by them but this article is to convey that why actually mosquitoes suck blood? 

Mosquitoes are one of the highly evolved insects. There are about 200 species of mosquitoes each one having their own feeding habits. Some species depends on plant saps and nectar like other insects, some species are associated with amphibians and reptiles, some livestock and some species humans. They are the facultative or obligatory ectoparasites on animals. 

Among these only a few of them depends on human blood. It is much important to know that males of any mosquito species won't feed on blood of any animals. While maintaining the mosquito colony in the laboratory we used to use soaked raisins to feed newly emerged flies. 

Females at their initial stages suck nectar like males since females require more energy for ovary developments, egg production, mating ovipositon etc. they feed on mammalian blood. Blood has globular protein in conjugation with iron molecule, which yields high energy than the nectar or sap. 

There is also a well noticed time schedule for blood meal adapted by different mosquito species may be to avoid competition. Anopheles, Culex, Mansonia etc sucks blood at night time and Aedes species sucks at day time, ideal time being 3.00 pm. Aedes mosquitoes are mainly found near the cow sheds and feeds on the cattle blood. Mosquitoes get attracted by the CO2 odour exhaled by the animals. 

Mosquitoes are the most fascinating organisms in this world. Shows unique behaviour and characteristics. Mosquitoes can fly with its tummy full after the blood meal than its body weight. I won't think so there are any other species which can beat this. Share if any known information about mosquitoes in the comment box. While I will make a move to gather information for my next article. See you next week. 


  1. Very informative article, Thank you for sharing

    1. Thank you so much.. Do follow my blog page using Google account


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