

Hi viewers, Summer season is on and its the best time to plan for a long holiday trip. Thailand is the best place for Indians to chill. Which ever the country you visit, you will notice these three things in common i.e., air, water and Indians. Yes Indians are found everywhere in this earth; there are 65,000 Indians having Thai citizenship living in Thailand.  Most of the tourists visiting Thailand are from India itself. Tamil, Hindi, Punjabi and Malayalam are the Indian languages used there. When I visited Thailand, I was surprised to see my hotel receptionist and the tourist guard greeting us in 'Malayalam'!  For every 3 restaurants, one will be an Indian restaurant. So, I could get that homely feeling in the country.  But if you are a foodie and a fan of non-veg who love to try different stuffs then you must read this article full. Before that, let me tell you something which you should keep it in your mind when you are in Thailand.  * Buy your own water bottles:


Greetings viewers! all of us will be having one or other hobbies to spend on free time. Our kind of hobbies may be influenced by our tastes and interests. Photography, arts, gardening, reading, writing, are the prominent hobbies which we opt. My hobby is to collect the shells of molluscs; Shells are the most attractive things present on the shores, and I hope all of us would have played with them during our childhood. I had a habit of buying jewels carved from shells when I was a teen slowly my fashion turned to passion and I started collecting shells as my hobby.  Shells of Molluscs:  Molluscs are a kind of invertebrates/ non-chordates (not synonyms) which can be found on land, fresh water or marine water and other habitats. Their bodies are very soft and hence they are encapsulated by a hard calcareous shells. The shell of a molluscan may be external or internal (in some squids), univalve (single valved), bivalve or octavalve (Chiton). Every shell of a molluscs is different

Hair in your food?

Hi all, welcome to what's around us, hope you got enough information about the brain development in adolescent age group. Today's article is not just oriented to adolescents but for all of us. I feel very bad if I see my hairs coming out of my scalp into my hair brush. Yes, of course hair fall is common for all the menstruating females and even for men after certain age. The reason for hair fall can be plenty but what happens if the hairs are falling on to your food? I feel very awkward if I see any hairs fallen onto my platter. That would the most irritating task to manage to take the hair out of my food. I hope everyone of us have faced this. So we think that the moment ae take the hair out of the food is safe for us to eat but I say no.. Just look into this image Growth of microbes on a fallen hair strand Photos from CFTRI, Mysore Exhibition 2018 When the hair falls from the scalp and meets a suitable medium, becomes a niche (micro-habitat) for the microbes to

Shortest but Fastest

Hi viewer, welcome to What's around us. If I ask you which is the most fastest mammal on earth? then, what would be your answer? If your answer is 'Cheetah' then I would say no. Yes of course, the fastest animal in this planet is cheetah but there is yet another answer for this question. According to me the fastest mammal on earth is our ' adolescents' .  Adolescence is a transitional period of ones life, it happens to be in the age of 12-18. This can be said as the second shortest phase in your life history, where the first one is infancy. It is the most fanciest phase in our life time. I wish I could be that teenager again who used to fight with mom everyday starting from her wake up alarm clock till the endless arguments before bed. I used to argue with her for almost everything. I used to feel I am correct in all the ways and used to be more comparative and judgemental. I think everyone of us might have gone through these. In my previous article  https://wh


The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear. ~H.P Lovecraft. Hi guys, welcome to What's around us; I was just thinking what to share this week and the very moment I saw a brown coloured, red spotted house gecko crawling on the wall. Seeing that my breathing became rapid, heart started palpitating and I was shivering even after it went out of my sight. Yes. your guess is right, I am afraid of geckos. I am afraid of lizards from the age of 3 as my mother used to tell me. In medical terms the fear of reptiles/ lizards is called herpetophobia. Everyone of us has some or the other weaknesses. My weakness is fear of lizards, likewise many are afraid of certain animals.    Some are afraid of spiders which is termed as arachnophobia. Worm snake Some are afraid of worms is called as vermiphobia. Fear of bees is called as aphidophobia, most of the girls are afraid of cockroaches. The pattern is that if people are afraid of spiders, then they wont be afraid of


When your mood is down, and seeking to find that lost happiness in you, then just look at a flower which is fully bloomed. What a joy to see a flower with a vibrant petals wide open and ready to invite seduce someone. A flower has many importance in our livelihood, may to decorate our interiors or decorate our gardens or to please someone or to offer for their deity.  A flower has its own part in our culture and traditions, but do we know that for what actually a flower is produced? Viewers, in my previous articles and pages I have written about many flowers shows but this time it is different. It is not about a flower show or a photography but it is about for what a flower is meant for.  " A flower blooms for its own joy ", says Oscar Wilde. Lots of things hidden inside this proverb. A flower blooms for its own joy and not for your joy is the verbal meaning.  In a scientific explanation, a flower is modified leaves which helps in the act of reproduction. A flow