How naturalism can be implemented in our education system?

Greetings to all my viewers. After a long restless day, I just need a break to think how can I change my same old ways of teaching? Teaching is a divine service, when I was a student I dreamt of being a unique teacher so that I can use all my ideas and teach them in innovative ways and turn all the boring classes into the practical sessions and many more. But when I am on the Dias what just stays in my mind is to complete the syllabus and stick on to the exam pattern. Well, syllabus, teaching, exams and results are all essential for a teacher. But somewhere I feel unsatisfied when I am not able to bring out a new ways of teaching. Somewhere I can hear a cry which is similar to mine as I used to feel while seated in a classroom and listening to a lengthy lecture. So what best can I do to overcome this stigma? A child at the age of 6 starts with primary education in our country. More than 95 percent of our curriculum relays on the classroom teaching. An ideal teacher...