Animal shows: Boon or Ban?

I am not an activist; I don't look for controversies; I am not a political person, but I am a person with compassion. I care passionately about equal rights. I care about human rights; I care about animal rights. 
                                                                                                                                    - Ellen De Generes

When I was a young girl, I remember how I was enthralled to see animals performing in circuses. Tigers, elephants, horses, dogs performing in front of huge crowds and entertaining them. I used to enjoy either. But once, after a show my mom said the sad story behind the screens how an animal is trained for the shows, how it is punished if it fails to complete it's tasks. Misery! probably for a 8-9 year old it is difficult to understand the animal ethics. Over a period of time government of India strictly prohibited animal usage in all the circus shows. And my love towards animals increased eventually as I grew older. 

Recently, when I made a short visit to Thailand, I could see see many tourists spots using animals to attract people. 
May be using an eagle, owl, tiger or elephants to pose with the customers or using elephants to perform sports tasks and make money for their masters. 
Animal shows are prominent in all zoos, safari parks and botanical gardens. 

Animals are trained to impress the customers and in some cases animals are even trained to collect money and food from people. Not just the elephants, from marine animals like dolphins and sea walruses to great apes like orangutans are used for animal shows. 
Moreover, people enjoy feeding the animals, offering money and buying paintings and other artifacts done by animals. It is very abominable that people still support such animal shows and spend their earnings to fulfill the animal keepers. 

Man for his sake of living can't manipulate the animal rights. As I have noticed the animal ethics are not strictly followed in the country. It is my humble request to Thailand government to implement Peta Asia-Pacific rules as early as possible and concentrate on the good health of captive animals. 
People, please do not support any such shows were animals are used like stage artists and please do act in favor of animal welfare. 


  1. Definitely a ban Sangeetha. I pity those people who pose in front of those intoxicated tigers. A huge yes for a plea to abolish the misuse of animals

  2. I don't like drugged tigers ��


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