How naturalism can be implemented in our education system?

Greetings to all my viewers. After a long restless day, I just need a break to think how can I change my same old ways of teaching? Teaching is a divine service, when I was a student I dreamt of being a unique teacher so that I can use all my ideas and teach them in innovative ways and turn all the boring classes into the practical sessions and many more. But when I am on the Dias what just stays in my mind is to complete the syllabus and stick on to the exam pattern. Well, syllabus, teaching, exams and results are all essential for a teacher. But somewhere I feel unsatisfied when I am not able to bring out a new ways of teaching. 

Somewhere I can hear a cry which is similar to mine as I used to feel while seated in a classroom and listening to a lengthy lecture. So what best can I do to overcome this stigma? 

A child at the age of 6 starts with primary education in our country. More than 95 percent of our curriculum relays on the classroom teaching. An ideal teacher or a mentor sticks to the syllabii and prepares the pupil for the battle of examination.  No doubt the pupil will succeed in the exam but over a course of time his or her practical skills would have been suppressed by the theoretical knowledge gain. 

Naturalism strictly prohibits all the trivial methods of teaching, it allows a student to think than just to ink. Naturalism is concerned with the natural self or real self. Nature itself is a universal system that encompasses and explains existence including human beings and human nature. According to the sources, man and in this context a child needs to have the freedom to naturally grow and develop without the interference of an outside force like 'teacher'. 

A teacher plays a very important role in a student's life. A four year old kindergarten student will follow a teacher more than his or her mother. Whatever the teacher says will be a greatest commandments for them. In this case only a teacher can mold a child to become another slave to reach the goal of examination or to make an innovative, practically sound and self reliable scholar to this society. The main aim of our education is to develop a child emotionally and normally according to the child's needs. 

Each student in a classroom is different, they have their own skills, so they cannot be taught in just one method. To trigger up their practical skills ''naturalism" has to be implemented. Naturalism believes is learning by own observations which builds up the curiosity to acquire more knowledge, this adds on their experiences. 

For instance, teaching the parts of plants by drawing or by showing a twig is a trivial method. Instead a twig has to be handed over to each student, let them observe the parts, allow them to make a list of their observations and teacher has to just guide them with proper technical terms. By doing this, a child can come up with more parts of the plants than given in a text book. In this way a child can escape from being a passive listener. This makes them more active and cultivate the habit of observing and questioning. 

I had made a similar experiment, teaching the biological terms is a big task. The word coelom, is used many times in the subject, the pronunciation and spelling of the term differs. To teach them the exact spelling instead of making them by heart I gave this as an activity, where they have to make a list of all such words which has letter 'o' and 'e' together. After a few minutes children could come up with 20 words from their textbooks which has 'oe' together. One such word is 'amoeba'. This method trains a student not just to learn one spelling but more than what we expect. 

This is one simple method of naturalism, there are yet millions of natural ways through which a child can be taught. Children can explore only if they are made to learn through their experiences and become an innovative scholar to this society. 

Do share if any other such methods of teaching can be implemented for the better improvement of a child. 


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