Episodes of Lake Marathon: 04 Bogadi kere

 A normal lake is knowable. A Great Lake can hold all the mysteries of an ocean, and then some. 

- Dan Egan

Howdy! Welcome to "What's around us to explore", this is my 4th lake visit under the Lake Marathon challenge. This time its not a popular or a fancy lake but slightly off the beaten track. There are 4 major lakes in Mysuru, namely, 

  1. Kukkarahalli Lake: "The Lungs of Mysuru"
  2.  Karanji Lake
  3. Lingambudhi Lake 
  4. Hebbal Lake 
  5. Bogadhi Lake 
  6. Devarakere 
  7. Varuna Lake
  8.  Hadinaru Lake 
  9. Samboja Lake

Not just these, there are plenty of other lakes in and around Mysuru. One such lake is Bogadi Kere; not to be confused with Bogadhi Lake of Mysuru. 

 "Kere" in Kannada refers to "Lake". A lake is a stagnant water body surrounded by land. Bogadi Kere (click for the directions) is a seasonal fresh water lake situated opposite to Bogadi Park.


Sunset; Bogadi Kere

My workplace is put up in Bogadi 2nd stage of Mysuru. Everyday me and my colleagues have a practice of going for a small walk after lunch. We used to walk till Sriadichunchungiri Mutt and used to take an "U" turn, but I always used to spot some birds like palm swift, drongo, bee eaters, etc perching on the cables or foraging on the ground. I used to get tempted to stop by and keep observing those colourful birds but used to overlook as my colleagues are of different mindset. This time I went for a walk all alone and kept observing those birds and followed them, I was led to a small gate and a pathway. As I went a few steps, my eyes couldn't believe that there was a huge lake standing present in front of me. So let me take you all to a journey of Bogadi kere. 

Water area of Bogadi Kere

Its a lonely, untouched and untamed place, initially I felt nervous to step inside but I had made up my mind to explore it at any cost. I could see some huge water area long through my sight 

A wild entrance of the lake

and suddenly my eyes caught a spot billed duck. I couldn't take a pic as it was so dynamic with its movement. Followed by this was 3 beautiful common coot, out of them one was caught by my camera. Rest were not comfortable when I entered and managed to escape, probably those birds have not encountered much of a human interference in there. 

Common Coot

I just kept watching how happily those coots were playing in water. I wish I could be one among them! A bunch of coots were there behind the islands but I couldn't reach till there to capture them. I just kept watching them pleasantly on my first visit. 

I had never dreamt of being in such a beautiful lake all by myself and admire its glory. 


Although I was afraid of some wild attack like snakes, I kept walking to explore more. Every step I move I kept myself cautious about snakes, suddenly there was a hissing sound and when I turned towards it there was another surprise waiting for me. A leaf bird, I guess it could be flycatcher or a bush chat not sure hidden in between the bushes of Abutilon indicum. This was my experience visiting Bogadi kere on the first visit, later on I made multiple visits to this lake, almost every day during my lunch break I must say and started exploring. So let me give a walk through of the great Bogadi kere, starting with the birds/avifauna, so far I could capture 33 species of birds through my camera,  

Avifauna of Bogadi Kere: 

Common Coot: As the name says, common coots are common across the lake. I have always seen a group of coots swimming on the lake, sometimes preening and coot chicks were noticed as well. 
Common Coot

Oriental Darter: A darter flew all the way and perched on the tree. The bird is not clear in the picture but the view was very attractive to me. 
Oriental darter/snake bird

House sparrow: 
I thought that there are no sparrows left in Mysore residential areas but I was proved wrong. A bunch of house sparrows chirping sweetly all over the place. After this I started visiting the lake premises every other day and used to spot the bunch of sparrows every time.

House Sparrow 

Brahminy Kite: A Brahminy kite perching on the cable wire looking for its prey. 
Brahminy Kite
Black Drongo: I have spotted Black Drongos many a times and these are the pics from different situations. Usually during winter we can see black Drongos in many places in Mysuru. Drongos are usually found solitary. 

Black Drongo

Purple Heron: The lake is loaded with herons, let it be a purple heron, grey heron or pond heron. One such purple heron was caught on my camera. 

Purple Heron

Grey Heron: I have spotted couple of gray herons a midst the bushes 
Grey Heron

Pond Heron: Pond herons are found in good number in this lake and seems to be one of the most found bird species in lakes. 
 Pond Heron
Purple Moorhen: On the second day of my visit from the rear entry of the lake, there were couple of Purple moorhens spotted very close by. And it was during the winter and many birds were active and spotted often. 

Purple Moorhen
Spot Billed Duck: Spot billed Duck are the found along with coots sometimes and sometimes preening near the bushes. This one I could capture very closely and probably one of the best bird photos I have ever taken. 

Cattle Egret: Cattle Egret are found in large numbers as there are cases where cattle are allowed to graze near the lake. One such egret was seen very closely from the watch area. 

Cattle egrets during the breeding season. Males usually develop golden colour plumage during breeding season in order to attract females. 

Chestnut Tailed Starling: I found this bird just once and during the rainy times. 

Loten's Sunbird: There are many Sunbirds and leaf birds near the rear entry of the lake. And this Lotens Sunbird was spotted there

Munia: Munias are found everywhere near the bushes and to a very lower heights as well. This little one was playing pick-a-boo with me. 

Golden Oriole: This one was found just once during the monsoon season. It was hidden with in the tree canopy of Adichunchungiri Mutt. 

Magpie Robin: This magpie Robin is often seen on the compound wall of Adichunchungiri Mutt, I have seen this many  a times there. 
Magpie Robin 

Babblers: This is another common birds of the lake. Groups of them are found along with common mynas or with their own groups. I had never observed their eyes so close until I found them here. 

Peafowls: During the monsoon season peafowls are the common visitor, either seen sitting on the branches or pecking food on the ground. 

Green bee eater: During winter bee eaters are quite often near the lake. Seen in single or in large groups. 

Purple Sunbird: Purple Sunbirds are common in Mysore, but this one looks like a Purple Rumped Sunbird. 

Little Grebe/Dabchick: There are some handful of Dabchicks in the lake these are very small compared to coots and ducks, very quick in it's movements and rarely get to capture. 

Spotted Dove: A solitary Spotted Dove will be always perching on the cable wire. 

White breasted Kingfisher: When it comes to lake and if we are not talking about kingfishers then it will be useless. White throated Kingfisher is seen regularly. I have not seen any other species so far in this place. 

Coucal: A scary, loud oop-oop-oop call from coucal made me to spot this coucal. Its one of the shy bird won't be seen casually like other birds. 

Glossy Ibis: Glossy Ibis is a solitary bird seen wadding and foraging near the lake bushes. I was mesmerized by its feather colours, so attractive and glossy. 

White Ibis/black headed Ibis: A single white ibis or black headed ibis was spotted once on the tree top. 

Ashy Prinia: This was an one time spotted bird as well, ashy prinia. 

White Breasted Waterhen: I have seen this birds couple of times in the front yard of the lake unlike its name 'waterhen'. Waterhen was much often sighted in Kukkarahalli Lake than any other lakes of Mysore. Along with this I have seen some quails. 

Pied Bush Chat: There are plenty of bush chats inside the lake bushes and a few of them will be sighted outside the lake premises. Once such bird was captured. 

Indian Robin: I was confused with Pied Bush Chat male with Indian Robin, the significant difference is, there is a brown spot near the tail in Indian robin and white spot in bush chat. 

Paradise Fly Catcher: This was a rare sighting, my eyes were blown away, when a long tailed white bird was flying and jumping here and there. And I found out to be the paradise fly catcher male bird. I have not seen any female individual here. Twice I have seen this male bird in the same spot. 

Rosy Starling: Once I saw a bunch of Rosy starlings in the front gate of the lake and every one of them flew away the moment I came near. But somehow I managed to capture few pics the next day. 

Black kite: A single black kite will be seen looking for its prey or some of them will be snoring near the prey. 

Gray Hornbill: Seen once during monsoon, a single bird hidden in the branches. 

Long Tailed Shrike: This shrike was seen couple of times at the same place. 

Red Wattled Lapwing: Lapwings are found everywhere and one of them was caught by my lenses. 

This seems to be a nest of a weaver bird but haven't seen any birds there. 

Red Vented Bulbul: Both red vented and red whispered bulbuls are common in the place. But one of them has been captured. 

Bronze winged Jacana: I found this bird once along with Lapwings and moorhens. These Jacanas are the common lake birds of Mysore though. 

Insecta of Bogadi Kere:

Mottled Emigrant 
Short Banded Sailor 

A grasshopper species 

Flora of Bogadi Kere: 

                               Lantana camara (weed plant)                        Ipomoea species 

                           Xanthium species Cocklebur plant                  Asystasia gangetica 

Abutilon indicum

Senna uniflora                                  Hyptis (Bush mint)

Alternanthera sessilis


Eichhornia                                  Other pelagic plants

Other fauna:
Asiatic palm squirrel 

Street Dogs                                           Grazing cattle

This lakes needs care and attention! I have seen many people throwing thrash and garbage near the lake and this is spoiling the habitat of hundreds of species dwelling there. I request the government to take some serious action to clean this lake and conserve this rich biodiversity rock wetland. 




Not just these, there are many species of birds like common crows, leaf birds, mynas, Asiatic palm swifts and even quails, which I had spotted in Bogadi kere. In my future visits I will try to collect more birds from this location, till then keep reading what's around us to explore, bye bye!  


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